Having a recent cupboard clear out lately, mainly the non beer cupboard. Hidden behind the various bottles of Martini,Ouzo, Sherry and Poncha was this bottle of Pink Pussy from Australia. We are assuming its a pink Babycham type drink, but the label doesn't say the strength ; its probably flat and pink vinegar by now.
We visited Australia for the first time in 1984, and one highlight of the trip was staying with Mrs Kens relatives and having a tour of the Barossa Valley wine region of South Australia. We must have staggered in and out of about 6 wineries, mainly for the discount booze. Of the 2 " novelty bottles" we came back with one, called Panthers Piss, has been drunk. The second, has been hidden away for over 32 years. I suppose we shall have to open it sometime !.
This set my mind wandering about a couple of incidents while we were there. We flew into Melbourne first , staying with friends in a small township called Melton. After we got over the jet lag they let us loose by ourselves wandering round the town. We inevitably ended up in a pub.
Now in those days the beer was all piss, Victoria Bitter, Carlton Draught, all fizzy and most yellow.Due to a communication breakdown we ended up with a jug full of this yellow stuff. There must have been nearly 3 pints of it and I was really struggling to get it down. Ended up leaving half of it, which is not like me. Made the mistake of telling this to mine hosts later , who's catch phrase for the rest of our stay, became " Ken Likes Jugs"
Over in Adelaide, South Australia, Mrs Kens brother took me to a local bar. Drinking some local shite, the barman but this EP on ( that would be vinyl - ed) of this local comedian called George Similovici - an Aussie version of Billy Connolly. The language was disgusting and this record was booming out over the speakers. I quickly realised that women did not frequent this bar., like a lot of pubs - mainly men. Brought the EP back with me, listen to it occasionally. ( CD copy available ? Ed) Google him on YouTube.