Thursday 13 July 2017


 It is said there is a typical male CAMRA Member. :

Mid 60's bald or balding, grey beard, pot belly and wears a fat bastard T shirt.

So park that thought for a while,

After it was announced in the news that the Lake District had been awarded World Heritage Site status by UNESCO, I suggested a trip over to Keswick before the inevitable rush started. I found a Keswick Tourist map which  had pictures of various places to visit.

" Oh look " said Mrs Ken. "There is a Brewery Lane and a Keswick Brewery!"

" Is there really ? "

I was also keen to visit the Wetherspoons in town, The Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. This was a former police station and magistrates court, and still retains the prisoners dock, magistrates bench and 3 cells ( see photos).

So after an hours cruise in the sun on Derwentwater, it was a walk into town for lunch in Spoons.

Then it was time to find the Keswick Brewery which began operation in 2004 and is located on the site of a former brewery which closed in 1897.
I had with me some CAMRA Angle magazines to leave in the small bar and shop. so as a typical CAMRA stereotype I  asked the guy behind the bar :-"Can I leave these real ale magazines please ?"

"Yes no problem, I recognise you from the last time you left some !!"



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