Saturday 29 August 2015


There was report in the media over the weekend about a group of scientists with nothing else to do, who had surveyed over 800 subjects and came up with the result that a hangover is caused by too much alcohol. The conclusion was reached, no alcohol, no hangover !  They could have saved their money and rang me up, I could have told them that.

Several cures for a hangover were dismissed as a waste of time. One was drinking a lot of water. Now I've tried this one. Taking a pint of water to bed after a few doesn't work for me for the following reasons :-

1. I fall asleep after having two gulps.
2. I wake up during the night bursting for a pee as a result of item 1.
3. As a result of 2, I reach out to grab my specs and knock the remains of the glass of water over, thus spending the next ten minutes , under muttered oaths,wiping up the mess and praying I didnt wake Mrs Ken, and that the mobile didn't take a hit.

Now because I drink mostly real ale , I usually don't wake up with a headache these days  just a bit tired after items 2 and 3 above. 

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